One-Year Certificate - 32 Credit Hours
Want to REACH out and live your faith in different cultures? Expand your understanding of the impact Jesus is having around the world? REACH out to those around you, all while deepening your faith? The REACH Certificate is designed to lead you into a deeper faith through study as well as practical hands-on experience. Following successful completion of REACH, you can seamlessly continue into any of the other two, three or four year programs.
The REACH certificate is awarded to those students who successfully complete the program of 32 hours.

Program Description
The REACH Certificate (32 credits) is designed to give you a foundation of Biblical understanding and ministry skills. It gives you an introduction to academics and discipleship with the added component of a month-long cross-cultural mission experience.
In order to complete this program, you must fulfill the following Program Requirements:
- have completed 32 credit hours in this program with at least 24 hours of study at PRBI;
- be of approved Christian character;
- have actively participated in the REACH mission trip;
- to be able to participate on the REACH mission trip and remain in the REACH program, you must have a minimum GPA of 1.3 (68%) by the end of the first semester.
- have completed one field education credit;
- have completed 2 semesters of Practical Work Experience or equivalent;
- have met all financial obligations to the Institute.

Program Outline
Bible and Theology (15 credit hours):
- Acts (3)
- Foundations of the Christian Faith (3)
- Hermeneutics (3)
- Life of Christ (3)
- Old Testament I (3)
Applied Studies (13 credit hours):
- Christian Life Development (3)
- Evangelism (3)
- Field Education (1)
- Introduction to College Academics (1)
- Kingdom Service (3)
- REACH Mission Practicum (2)
Undesignated Electives (4 credit hours)
*1 credit completed on campus, 1 credit completed during mission trip.
** All programs are subject to change without notice.