Refund Policy
This policy applies to any student, including international students, in the event that the student withdraws or is dismissed from their studies at Peace River Bible Institute (PRBI). Refunds to any student, including international students, will be paid to the student, individual, or organization that originally paid the tuition within 30 days.
Students withdrawing from PRBI voluntarily on or after the first day of the semester, must complete a Withdrawal Form available from the Director of Operations. This form is to be signed by the Academic Dean, Student Deans, and Director of Operations. If the student fails to complete the Withdrawal Form, they forfeit the right to a refund of tuition fees and/or room and board fees. The Withdrawal Fee is $50 and must be paid prior to receiving the Withdrawal Form. Note: if a student is dismissed from PRBI, the Withdrawal Form will be completed by the President.
If a student withdraws for any reason or is dismissed from PRBI, they are entitled to a refund of room and board fees as per the following scale (calculated from the arrival date of the semester, regardless if the student arrived on time):

Note: the chart above and below assume that the student has paid their fees in full for the whole semester. If the student has a balance owing on their account at the time of withdrawal, they may actually still owe PRBI money. (Example: Suppose that the student has not paid their room and board and that you withdraw on day 2. The student will still owe PRBI 15% of the total cost of Room and Board.)
If the student withdraws for any reason or is dismissed from PRBI, they are entitled to a refund of tuition fees on the following scale (calculated from the first class day):

If the student has prepaid any fees for future semesters, these fees will be remitted 100%.
If the student has paid a Graduation Fee and withdraws before March 1, the Graduation will be refunded. If the student withdraws after March 1, there will be no Graduation Fee refund.
Note for International Students: If Peace River Bible Institute ceases to deliver a Designated Learning Program that an international student is enrolled in, Peace River Bible Institute will compensate the international student for any undelivered portion of the program. In the case that Peace River Bible Institute is able to provide a means to enable a student to complete the program without any disadvantage to the international student, a refund is not required.
In the event that on campus learning is suspended for any reason, the following will apply:
- Tuition - there will be no refund for tuition as alternate delivery modes will be provided for course instruction so that students will be able to complete all their courses. However, if a student chooses to withdraw from one or more courses, the regular refund policies will apply.
- Campus Life Fees – there will be no refunds for Campus Life fees.
- Music Lessons – there will be no refund for private music lessons.
- Damage Deposit – students may use their damage deposit to secure a room for when they return to campus or request a refund on the deposit if they do not anticipate returning to PRBI. Any damages for which a student is liable will be deducted from the room deposit refund.
- Financial Aid – if students are required to leave campus because of a closure, students will maintain all of their awarded financial aid.
- Room and Board – refunds for unused room and board will follow the room and board refund chart above.