TWU Progression Agreement
PRBI has a progression agreement with Trinity Western University.
Assuming that they meet the entrance conditions, this agreement enables our 4-year BRE graduates to smoothly transition into a Master of Arts in Leadership program at TWU.

Program Specializations
PRBI students who choose to pursue a Master of Arts in Leadership degree from TWU will have the opportunity to specialize in one of three categories:
For further program information, please see the program description on TWU's website by clicking here.

Additional Information:
- 4-year BRE graduates from PRBI require a minimum GPA of 3.0 in order to qualify for admittance to the Master of Arts in Leadership program.
- Admission to other degree programs falls outside of this agreement and will be considered on an individual basis.
- All admissions decisions are the sole prerogative of TWU.
- 3-year BBS graduates from PRBI will require completion of a qualifying year at TWU in preparation for later admittance into the Master of Arts in Leadership program.
- To see the description of the Master of Arts in Leadership program on TWU's website, please click here.