General Education Objectives
Upon completion of any PRBI Degree Program, you should:
- evidence a basic understanding of biblical content and Christian doctrine
- demonstrate confidence in the Scriptures as God's inerrant and final authority in matters of belief and practice
- develop basic skills in analyzing, interpreting and applying the Scriptures to daily life, building a personal worldview that is in harmony with the Word of God
- demonstrate a lifestyle characterized by increasing spirituality, a closer walk with God
- understand the nature, purpose, and functions of the church, both universal and local, and the role of the believer within the Church
- be able to demonstrate responsibility through church involvement and service in fellowship, worship, learning, and disciple-making

- have begun the process of formulating your own Bible-based system of values, beliefs, and attitudes which will be seen through your personal conduct
- be able to help others mature in a personal relationship with God through your personal example and interaction with them
- have a firm recognition and conviction of the biblical mandate for making disciples of all nations and of your personal responsibility to introduce others to Christ and to nurture them in the Christian life
- be growing in the skills needed to understand and relate to a contemporary society which has differing social practices, ethical standards, theological beliefs, and historical perspectives
- develop your research skills and your ability to critique so that you are able to integrate what you are learning into a Christian worldview
- be moving toward becoming a whole person—spiritually, physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally—enabling you to interact positively with the various social structures of our society
- come to recognize the authority of God within your life, whether in direct relation to Him or to those to whom He has designated it