Our Disciple-Making Model
At PRBI, we are committed
to disciple-making.
We believe that disciple-making must be observed and practiced within the student body.
- Discipleship is training students how they are to function within the body by teaching them who they are in Christ.
- The goal of discipleship is to see each student discipled and being trained to disciple others.
- The result of discipleship is seen in the development of student leadership which enables our students to minister and build into others.
- The necessary outcome of disciple-making is reaching out to the lost.

Discipleship at PRBI
The Greek word for a disciple (mathetes) is translated as learner. In Matthew 11:29, Jesus invites, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn (mathete) from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” The heart of discipleship is to learn from Christ.
PRBI invites students to experience discipleship by immersing themselves in our Christ centred community. We use the dynamic interplay of classroom learning, small group Bible study, and one-to-one peer accountability to maximize the discipleship experience.
As students apply themselves, they experience growth in their character, and gain skills and tools to reproduce themselves wherever God leads them in life.

"Grace, Vulnerability, and Relationships.
Interestingly enough, I have learned that these three words are especially intertwined with each other. When we are vulnerable in relationships, this is where we receive grace. Throughout my time at PRBI, God opened my eyes to these three components and how they are essential to living as a real disciple. When I have been open, honest, and vulnerable with where I'm really at and how I'm really doing in my relationship with God and with others, I have experienced grace. Learning how to walk in this way has been vital to my growth as a Christian. I can only continue to learn how to accept grace, vulnerability and relationships and then learn to give back in return. Living this way is something that I am excited about and this is something that I want to share with others as I go into the world."
– Camille Demers, PRBI Alumnus

"Prior to beginning my training at PRBI, I had not experienced intentional discipleship, which I believe stunted my growth in the Christian faith.
Studying God’s Word in a small group setting and then taking what I am learning to a more personal level in one-on-one discipleship has grown and strengthened my love for God and people. The process of discovering and discussing the Scriptures has made them come alive. Accountability and application have become real as I challenge, encourage, and pray for others, and as they likewise do the same for me. Like the tree planted by streams of water in Psalm 1:3, discipleship is contributing to bearing fruit now, and I know it will also in my future after PRBI.
– Eugene Wiebe, PRBI Student