Associate of Christian Studies (ACS)
Two-Year Diploma - 60 Credit Hours
The ACS diploma is two big steps into your discipleship journey. It contains a solid core of Bible and theology classes, courses that help you understand people and a number of practical ministry opportunities in the field of your choice. This track gives you a couple of years of solid Christian instruction and personal discipleship before moving on to something else. Often students start off in this program and then go on to a three or four year degree here or to university. Besides the benefits to your faith, this program gives you excellent training in writing academic essays, time management, and people skills; so useful in further studies or in the work world.
The Associate of Christian Studies diploma is awarded to those students who successfully complete the program of 60 hours.

Program Description
This two year diploma (66 credits) is designed to enhance your basic understanding of the Bible and basic skills of ministry. It will benefit those interested in lay ministry in the Church as well as those who will be going on to further education. It may provide the basic training for some vocational ministries.
In order to graduate you must fulfill the following Program Requirements:
- have completed 4 semesters of Practical Work Experience or equivalent;
- have met all financial obligations to the Institute (outstanding balance of $500.00 or more will not allow a student to participate in graduation exercises);
- be of approved Christian character;
- have completed three field education credits;
- have completed at least the final 32 hours of study at PRBI;
- have completed 60 credit hours with a cumulative average of 70% (1.50 G.P.A.)

Program Outline
Bible and Theology (15 credit hours):
- Acts (3)
- Christian Apologetics (3)
- Foundations of the Christian Faith (3)
- Hermeneutics (3)
- Life of Christ (3)
- Old Testament I (3)
Applied Studies (22 credit hours):
- Christian Life Development (3)
- Evangelism (3)
- Field Education (3)
- Introduction to College Academics (1)
- Kingdom Service (3)
- Public Speaking (3)
- The Disciple Making Process (3)
General Studies (3 credit hours):
Undesignated Electives (20 credit hours)
* All programs are subject to change without notice.