Church of Christ Highland Park Tuesday Discipleship Leader


Tuesday Night Discipleship Leader

Volunteer Job Description

This event is meant to be a hybrid between a Bible-study and a Small-group. I need Students to help facilitate the big-group and small-group discussion time.

Youth/Teens: Between the ages of 12-18 or grades 7-12

Dates & Times

Tuesday Evenings at 7pm-9pm

Weekly, Bi-weekly would be ideal. I am open to alternatives that suit the student.


Grande Prairie Church of Christ - Highland Park
9602 92 Ave, GP.

Frequency of Involvement


2hours to just show up, 2-3 hours if you sign up to lead the Big-group time.

 Positions Available

Not Picky, but I definitely need at least one female leader.

More Information

You will need our "VPP" course (basically plan to protect), but I can run you through it if you were to show up an hour early on your first day.


Andrew Watson

(780) 380-8428


