Academic Programs
- Please refer to the General Objectives for academic competencies.
- Our Four-year Degree is accepted at most seminaries across Canada and the USA. The Three-Year BBS degree is also accepted at a number of seminaries.
- PRBI is authorized to grant degrees by the province of Alberta. All degrees major in Bible.
Peace River Bible Institute offers five primary programs:

Foundations of Christian Studies
(30 credit hours)
one-year certificate
There is a long tradition among Canadian Christians of taking a year of Bible School before heading off to employment or university training. It is a time of personal and spiritual development and lasting friendships. While Foundations is designed to be a self-contained and meaningful unit, it also forms the basis of our other programs so you may continue into any of the other programs without loss of credit, provided you meet the entrance requirements of that program.

(32 credit hours)
one-year certificate
Want to REACH out and live your faith in different cultures? Expand your understanding of the impact Jesus is having around the world? REACH out to those around you, all while deepening your faith? The REACH Certificate is designed to lead you into a deeper faith through study as well as practical hands-on experience. Following successful completion of REACH you can seamlessly continue into any of the other two, three or four year programs.

Associate of Christian Studies
(60 credit hours)
Two-Year Diploma
The ACS diploma is two big steps into your discipleship journey. It contains a solid core of Bible and theology classes, courses that help you understand people and a number of practical ministry opportunities in the field of your choice. This track gives you a couple of years of solid Christian instruction and personal discipleship before moving on to something else. Often students start off in this program and then go on to a three or four year degree here or to university. Besides the benefits to your faith, this program gives you excellent training in valuable academic and workplace competencies like written and verbal communication, time management, and people/relational skills.

Bachelor of Biblical Studies
(90 credit hours)
Three-Year Degree
If you can invest three years in your studies, the Bachelor of Biblical Studies will deepen your understanding of the Bible and begin to equip you with practical skills for service which can be used in a variety of ministry contexts. Spending three years on campus will greatly increase opportunities for growth in discipleship as well as give you hands on leadership opportunities in your pursuit of becoming a disciple-maker. The BBS has proven to be a solid foundation from which students can pursue other educational opportunities such as college, university or seminary.

Bachelor of Religious Education
(122 credit hours of study)
Four-Year Degree
The BRE is designed to prepare you for vocational ministry. This program provides opportunity for more advanced and hands-on discipleship, leadership, and ministry training.
All BRE students major in Bible and your choice of one of the following:

Intercultural Ministries
The Intercultural Ministries Major is designed to prepare you to live and work in a cross-cultural setting, whether abroad or in your home country. You will grow in your awareness and appreciation of the global church in all its diversity, the importance of indigenous church leadership, and the role of cross-cultural missions. Additionally, you will develop skills in intercultural communication, evangelism and service that will equip you for effective ministry wherever God calls you.

Ministry Studies
The Ministry Studies Major is designed to prepare you for a variety of church, para-church, and community ministries. This is a highly flexible program that allows you the freedom to choose courses within specific areas of ministry interest (including specialization tracks in youth, theology, or worship) while still providing a solid foundation of widely transferable skills and principles for both ministry and further education.

Pastoral Ministries
The Pastoral Ministries Major is designed to prepare you for direct entry into pastoral ministry and is also a great preparation for seminary. This program will help you understand both the theory and practical aspects of church and pastoral ministry, as well as develop pastoral skills like discipleship, preaching, pastoral care and leadership. This program also has a Youth Pastor specialization for those interested.

Faith Based Addictions Treatment
In cooperation with Rising Above Ministries, we are currently developing a new track designed to equip you to help others break free of cycles of defeat. This 10 credit program will be available both as a stand-alone certificate (for qualified students) and as a major for BRE students. Typically, we offer one 2-credit course per semester (not including internship).